Spirit Calling

Flower Essence Products:

What is Flower Essence?

Flower, Plant, Tree and Gem Essences are subtle liquid extracts that are generally taken orally. They are used to assist in emotional well being, mind/body health and soul development. They help the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual parts of each of us.

Click here to learn more about and how to use Essences 

Aconite Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

For Colds and flu symptoms. For those that shut the outside world out in guarded protection. Aconite is for times when you feel anxiety is overtaking you and is helpful when you are feeling alone and protecting yourself with boundaries that keep others out.

Angelica Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

When feeling abandoned, fearful, rejected. May be used for opening up to higher realms by clearing our emotional senses that cloud this opening. The sense of angels abound. Feeling protected and guided by angels and spiritual beings. Connection with the Monad

Angel's Trumpet Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Release the chains that bind you, surrender to your higher power, renunciate, let go. Will support healing the heart to move beyond personal limitations. Used sparingly in meditation will support one to let go and journey into the higher realms.

Basil Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Basil is used to support one in feeling whole by having connection to higher realms of spirit and not having to search recklessly for fulfillment in inappropriate fashion. Unity of Spirit and the physical realm brings healing to the soul and new found freedom in relationships.

Black-Eyed Susan Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Releasing shadow side of self essence. Mental realm people that need support in releasing emotional wounds. For people that tend to be too much in their head.

Blanket Flower Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Foundation, feeling grounded and in the moment. Spiritually uplifting and wonderful for meditation. Heightened perception.

Bleeding Heart (Red) Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Grief and sorrow essence. For suffering of enormous pain with a broken heart. Honoring and nourishing self. Heartbreak and heartache. Loneliness, rejection, selfishness. Cleansing the heart and strengthening it for deeper spiritual love and freedom.

Bleeding Heart (White) Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Being Proved. Brings healing of sense of separation. Separation from self, Spirit and others. As with Red Bleeding heart White Bleeding Heart helps with cleansing the heart. With this cleansing and strengthening it supports the unity of spiritual love, self love and love for others.

Bourbon Rose Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

This lovely rose essence is helpful when one feels like they are at the end of their ropes and almost feel hopeless. This wonderful essence gives us the courage and energy to continue moving on.

Calendula Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

This is a gentle healer essence. Warmth in communication. Finding of personal voice and listening with compassion. Very gentle and balancing. Soothes heart and spirit. Acceptance, appreciation, soothing and tolerance. Very good for solar plexus issues.

Cardinal Flower Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Let me purge your soul of inequities, let me pierce the fires that hold you and bring you to the rapture of Universal oneness. Take heed that you not make this fire with no avenue of venting. Allow the flames to caress your knowingness, and yet allow it to manifest forth into your creativity on this dimension. The longing of regenerative health is with you. Be well, be strong and be faithful!

Chamomile Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Enables one to release emotional tension, irritability and moodiness. Calming. Emotional balance and stability. For people that collect tension in the solar plexus and stomach area and can't sleep at night.

Chive Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Chive essence helps with the balancing; of the right/left, masculine/feminine, above and below.

Comfrey Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

When we need to mend the split within our being Comfrey brings forth the stillness within to prioritize life's blessings along with the drama. Brings us to our center to release and mend on all levels so we may enjoy the elixir of life!

Coreopsis Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Being ok with the world essence. Helps with addictions and depression. Balances chakras. Inner strength and confidence. Has helped some in weight loss.

Crimson Columbine Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Lifting the mental fog essence. Attention to detail without feeling pressured. For Hyper adults and children. Oversensitive nervous system.

Dill Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Nervous system overload essence. Reclaiming of personal power when given away to others. Good for the digestive system. Assists in sensory overload.

Double Delight (Rose) Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Releasing of energetic congestion, opening to a new perception and perspective. Resolve to stand on own and move forward. Seeing the world more clearly .

Echinacea Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Integration of Body/Mind/Spirit when outside challenges are more than one can handle. Calming of the mind. Good for cold & flu. This essence is part of the Cold & Flu Remedy.

Forsythia Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

When the release of emotional debris is needed from our foundation, Forsythia brings clearing and light for release especially when we have personified its significance.

Gwenyvere Rose Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

The Gwenyvere Rose is very soothing to the emotions. Gwenyvere Rose takes the edge off our emotions and allows us to re-define our feelings and helps us to focus.

Hibiscus Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

To open the senses. For those that are closing off of feelings and senses. To reunite one with their sensuality and sexuality.

Hyacinth Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

To open the spiritual heart and allow the healing of the emotional heart. Balances the personality body for higher spiritual work and connection. Allows one to recognize their own personal capabilities and to love unconditionally ones self and others. Hyacinth is good for people that feel alone, abandoned and isolated from Spirit and others.

Hydrangea Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Hydrangea supports one in a loving and gentle manner to release repressed and suppressed emotions. Like a mother caressing her child that is wounded, Hydrangea connects you to the love of Mother Earth surrounding you in gentle love while supporting you to move forward in healing of suppressed and repressed emotions to bring joy, vitality and balance to ones emotional being.

Indian Blanket Flower Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

This essence helps one to stay in their center during times of conflict by staying in the core instead of plugging in to the chaos.

Lavender Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Helps calm the mind. Assists in absorbing Spiritual energies that may feel overwhelming.

Lemon Balm Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Lemon Balm brings calm to ones mind and emotions for more clarity.

Marsh Marigold Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Marsh Marigold is for those that can not find their light in the midst of all the darkness and chaos that is around them. Helps anchor the the emotional body.

Mullein Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

This essence is good for those who have a hard time breathing in life and; therefore, make inappropriate choices. Helps show one the truth from within. This essence is part of the Cold & Flu Remedy.

Nicotiana Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Being proved.

Oriental Poppy Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Being proved.

Peace Rose Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Being proved.

Queen Anne’s Lace Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

3rd eye balancing and opening essence. Supports psychic impressions to be clearer and not filtered through emotions. Seeing beyond the physical eyes. Helpful with headaches and vision problems connected with the opening of the 3rd eye.

Rhododendron Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

This essence helps you to step back from your anger and be the observer; allowing a sense of grace towards those that have angered you. I am steady, firm and strong in Spirit. I bring you these possibilities. I bring you hope for the hopeless, I bring you love for the loveless, I bring you strength for the weak and I bring you graciousness to bestow onto others. By removing the anger and opening the heart, one can view their hostility towards self and others with compassion and love.

Rio Samba (Rose) Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Vitality, moving forward, meridian opening and expansion of cranial sacral rhythm. Like most roses, Rio Samba works with the heart center for opening. It works through the heart in a dynamic and full way bringing energy and vitality to the lower centers and re-connecting them to the heart.

St. John's Wort Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Being proved.

Shasta Daisy Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Taking creativity to fruition essence. More detailed insight. Trusting what you know and following thru with it. Wisdom - helps in mental chatter. Integrating mental ideas to be brought forth with wisdom.

Spearmint Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Respiratory and headache essence. Breathing in the joy of life. Lung and bronchial issues, solar plexus and digestive issues. This essence is part of the Cold & Flu Remedy.

Sheila’s Perfume (Rose) Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Expansion phase of cranial rhythm, expansion of aura, clearer thinking, deeper breathing. Balance heart and mind.

Star Jasmine Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Union with Universal Love essence. Lightens feelings of sadness, somberness, heaviness or fatigue. Lightens other essence combinations. Psychic protection. Surrender. Helps in relationships including sexual relationship.

Sultry Rose Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

This essence helps one to reconnect to the innocence of 'days gone by.' Helps with heart pain and trauma either self induced or by others.

Sunflower Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Communion with Self. Balancing of the masculine energies with warmth and radiance. Compassion, self-love, self-esteem. Sun radiant strength.

Tomato Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Clearing of toxic emotions that hold you back from being the pure essential you physically, emotionally and mentally.

Tiffany Rose Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Blending of mind and emotions concerning relationships essence. Opens one to spiritual love and truths. Helps one to let go gently and to relieve heart ache.

Yarrow (Pink) Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

This is for healthy boundaries in love relationships which includes family, marriage anyone that can pull at our heart strings and where we feel vulnerable.

Yarrow (Yellow) Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Helps us to receive and not just give by releasing old childhood conditioning tapes. Strength of aura. For people that are vulnerable to others and absorb negative energies. Shield of light, noticeably at solar plexus area.

Yarrow (White) Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Healthy boundaries in relationships. Being able to say no when needed. Strength of aura. Shield of light.

Yarrow Combination Essence (Pink, Yellow, & White)

1 oz bottle - $18.00

All Yarrows balance the aura. Clears “outside” influences while giving boundaries. Yarrow is good for people with allergies, healers, counselors, teachers. These people can be easily influenced from outside forces and negative energies depleting their own vital force

Zinnia Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Sense of joy and a light heartedness. For those with a lack of humor and over serious. Opening of energy blocks to move forth in joy.