Spirit Calling

Gem Essence Products:

What is Gem Essence?

Flower, Plant, Tree and Gem Essences are subtle liquid extracts that are generally taken orally. They are used to assist in emotional well being, mind/body health and soul development. They help the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual parts of each of us.

Click here to learn more about and how to use Essences 

Apophylite Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Aphophylite is used for opening the crown center and supporting the 3rd eye. It helps one in meditation.

Celestite Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Being proved.

Citrine Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Helps with concentration and removal of negative energy. Clears the mind for deeper concentration.

Emerald Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Opening of the heart center in a gentle way. Master Healer essence used for the release of monetary willfulness to support the healing of the heart, loving from the heart and clearing the auric field.

Flint Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Grounding and connection with earth. Opening of Occiput and first cervical vertebrae. Brings energies from the alta major down the spinal column.

Garnet Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Gentle energy booster and support system for the root chakra.

Hematite Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Assists in dissolving negativity, transforming it to the purity of universal love. Helps to release self limiting concepts within the mind. Brings forth suppressed and negative emotions to the surface for change and clearing.

Herkimer Diamond Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Being proved.

Obsidian Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Essence for reflecting personal issues to see clearly. Protector against negativity from others.

Petrified Sequoia Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Grounding. Unplugging from emotional issues. Harmonizing. Use if you have a problem staying in the body while going through deep emotions or even too much meditation.

Rose Quartz Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Self love essence. Releasing of old emotional wounds. Support in self love. Restores the mind to harmony after stressful situations. Calmness and Clarity.

Ruby Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Ruby is used for those need an energetic boost. It supports the root chakra and blood supply. Do not use with Cancer patients.

Shambhala Crystal Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Self Healing Essence – Helps one to clarify issues that need healing. Bringing forth old patterns to break them to issue, one problem at a time. Connection with Divine Love. Perfect order in the Universe. Support for painful joints and body pain.

Angelic Bouquet Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

Heart issue balancing plus balancing and unifying of chakras. Taking it to the next level. Moving forward after clearing core issues or when in a stale mate.

Let It Be Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

When one just can’t relax and just “let it be”. Being in the moment. Has helped with the inability to sleep.

Lissa’s Light Essence

1 oz bottle - $18.00

For deep grief: “dark night of the soul” Essence. For centering and maintaining calm. Used during severe emotional stress and grief. Opens to spiritual love and truth and helps in grounding it.